Thursday, December 4, 2008

not much to say

i have been so busy lately we had a big thanksgiving ate to much and had lots of family around we love our extended family also. now i am preparing for the Christmas dinner at our church and here in my home everyone will be here so we've decided to do this in our garage and now we have to rearrange it for everyone to fit heat it and decorate crazy yes fun maybe but worth it most definitely i love Christmas it's fun but i also love celebrating the birth of king Jesus he is the reason for the season but he is the reason for all seasons. i want to celebrate his life every day. god has been opening a lot of doors for us lately and i am still praying for that miracle my special request and i know it will come god said so. i believe it . i may not have allot of money to spend for gifts but god has given me the greatest gift of all his son and he has given me so much more. well keep praying keep laughing keep on keepin on because god is the only way out the only way up the only way through. Jesus knew this and loved his father for it he gave his life for us and lived his life for us through his father for us . so don't put self first put him first and all else will follow amen.

1 comment:

~~Kerri~~ said...

Hey Sister! just checkiing in and seeing how you are....
I have lost your email so I will send it here...